Friday, August 13, 2010

Summer comes and goes

August is a mixed month for me; I know that I would be busy with my "commitment" and at teh same time I would also be busy hosting my family around the town and other stuff while they're here. But I'm looking forwards for it.. I don't mind doing it at all but my time management isn't as good as it could be so I'm not entirely sure if I can manage it properly hehe...! Well, I guess I'll just have to take things as they come - that what I normally do even though it doesn't always work, well I just hope it will be okaaay ^__^

Today is the day that I have been waiting for..! I am going to collect my mum and sister at the Standsted Airport. The weather has been bad since this morning, heavy rain and windy..! Is this what we called summer?? but I guess that's the weahter like in's so unpredictable..sometimes you just have to be content and make the most of it. Their flight was arrived earlier than expected but I managed to get there on time - I was so happy when I saw them at the airport, the feeling I had was so indescribable.... I would thought my mum might have had some problem with the long haul flight but I was wrong...she didn't even complaint at all but said it was okay..! I was so impressed and glad that she had quite a good journey as this was the first time she'd had 12 hours on the plane!!

Today I had the best meal ever for years! I cannot believed that my sister managed to pass through the custom with her stuff filled with fresh food ie;"bambangan and ikan masin (salted fish)" some pot noodles, maggie, tinned foods etc haha...but I really enjoyed it! I haven't had this moment for such a long time! Thanks for her and everyone that helped her packed 'properly' hehe...

Well I better off now and spend time with them....I might not be able to write as often but who knows I can take a wee time to update you all.. Hope everyone has a good week and well. xxx