Sunday, September 5, 2010

September is here

The beginning of September means autumn is just starting, to some people summer vacation is pretty well over but others may still have a couple of weeks before they start back to week the kids are ready to back to school and most students get ready to go back to Uni as the semester start in the first week of Oct and some might be a week for me, it would be a new and different 'year'..

I'm glad that the stuff I was 'supposed' to be doing is finally done.. I also, so pleased that I still have some extra weeks to spend with my family before they heading back home and...the best bit is, I don't need to worry about anything but enjoying myself with them..!! Oh yea, I got good news to share with everyone, I mentioned about this 'year' would be different 'year' for me cos I finally managed to get myself a placement after all the struggling and hustling, thanks God! I am very, very pleased and excited about it! Having say that I will need to learn a new "computer language" ASP.NET which we didn't cover during the term so, I've got to crack on that soon before I start the job!!

As for my mum, she's still enjoying herself even though she moans a lot about the cold weather hehe...We have to wrap her with a few layers of shirt and put some socks on to keep her warm..! poor mum hehe..! Another thing is whenever we watching telly, she keeps asking me why there are no Malay's channels on, so I tell her 'we are not in Malaysia'. But then she says 'yeah but in Malaysia we do get various channels in different languages so why not here?' I just grin for a second, and think she's right hehe... So, I have to let her watch "Takeshi's Castle" hoping she will enjoy the crazy show...but she ended up snoozing herself on the sofa instead hahahah...!

Anyway, I think that's all for now, I hope everyone's enjoying the weekend and hope to update again soon. xxx

Friday, August 13, 2010

Summer comes and goes

August is a mixed month for me; I know that I would be busy with my "commitment" and at teh same time I would also be busy hosting my family around the town and other stuff while they're here. But I'm looking forwards for it.. I don't mind doing it at all but my time management isn't as good as it could be so I'm not entirely sure if I can manage it properly hehe...! Well, I guess I'll just have to take things as they come - that what I normally do even though it doesn't always work, well I just hope it will be okaaay ^__^

Today is the day that I have been waiting for..! I am going to collect my mum and sister at the Standsted Airport. The weather has been bad since this morning, heavy rain and windy..! Is this what we called summer?? but I guess that's the weahter like in's so unpredictable..sometimes you just have to be content and make the most of it. Their flight was arrived earlier than expected but I managed to get there on time - I was so happy when I saw them at the airport, the feeling I had was so indescribable.... I would thought my mum might have had some problem with the long haul flight but I was wrong...she didn't even complaint at all but said it was okay..! I was so impressed and glad that she had quite a good journey as this was the first time she'd had 12 hours on the plane!!

Today I had the best meal ever for years! I cannot believed that my sister managed to pass through the custom with her stuff filled with fresh food ie;"bambangan and ikan masin (salted fish)" some pot noodles, maggie, tinned foods etc haha...but I really enjoyed it! I haven't had this moment for such a long time! Thanks for her and everyone that helped her packed 'properly' hehe...

Well I better off now and spend time with them....I might not be able to write as often but who knows I can take a wee time to update you all.. Hope everyone has a good week and well. xxx

Thursday, July 29, 2010

It is not over yet..

It's been a while since I've posted anything! Two months can seem like nothing these days when you're tied up with lot of things going on around you. Summer has all but gone and autumn is impatiently waiting to get in... All in all we had quite a good summer - better than last year, I think... I had the opportunity to spent my two weeks summer holiday in the northern Spain. It was good to be away after what's been a hectic and stressful time. Northern Spain it has more greenery and mountains than the South which is drier and has more sun - it's more like I'm used to at home hot and drier...I think most people would prefer to spend their holidays in the South as the weather wise it better and the beaches are nicer. But as for me, it's not a big deal as the main thing is I'm away from the busy and noisy city..!! Mind you it would be nice to go on the beach in my swimming cozzie and take some pics but the beaches at the northern still a little bit too chilly for me hehe.. I will attach some pics of it in here when time allows.

Anyway, my first plan this summer was to go back home but due to some stuff that needed to be done...and some 'commitment' of my own.. I wasn't able to make it. In the end, I asked my mum to come and visit me here instead and bring my sister, Vee to accompany her as it would be her first experince travelling in a long haul flight. So I thought it would be good for her to have someone and my sister would be just the right person as she has been here before. It is going to be a new experience for my mum with all the culture, weather, language and so on..I just not sure if she can cope with the English's weather but one thing for sure, I hope she's going to enjoy every moment of it..

Well that's for now, I hope I will have more time to write next time..laters xxx

Friday, May 28, 2010

This is it..

Its hard to believe that a month has already passed, time passes quickly...the arrival of spring brings fragrant, blooming trees and sneezing and wheezing for a lot of people with pollen allergy. But that is not my concern as I have ONE thing to worry about...exams....The weeks leading up to the exams have been very stressful with still more to come.... I have missed all the good weekends and the chance to be outside enjoying the lovely weather, as I have been stuck in my room either doing coursework, revising, planning for a placement or out working uh!

So yes here it is, the exam is finally here – Exam season at Surrey Uni begins this week, lasting until the middle of June. Some students will be done with their exams by the end of this week and some have to sweat it out until late June just like ME! I had my first paper yesterday and I have to say, I wasn’t impressed with it, I could have done a lot better! unfortunately I can’t turn back time so will have to wait and see.

Anyway, I have few more papers coming next week and I was planning to do all my revision over the weekend – sadly my manager has asked me to work on Sunday as well as replacing one of the staff who took a holiday! Bummer! So that means I’ll be working both weekends, I guess I have to fit this time with my revision and make sure I’ll be more prepared this time, at least!

Right...I suppose I should get back to my revision now but I thought I’d drop a brief line or two to those who likes to know hehe...

Oh yeah, and I would like to take this opportunity to wish all the fellow Sabahan and Sarawakian people... "Kotobian Tadau Tagazo do Kaamatan" (as in English Happy Harvest Festival) and "Gayu Guru Gerai Nyamai" (Happy Gawai) wherever you are. Enjoy and have a great holiday! xxx

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Hello again....

Time has come and gone...........okay, I know I haven't been on here for ages...and its not like I've stopped blogging or anything, but I've been so busy lately that I've not had time to do anything. Anyway, just to let you all know that I'm still out here and busy as usual. Sometimes, with my part-time job and studies I feel like I want to 'pack it all in' but I have to keep strong and believing in myself that I can do it just like the others. Nothing's easy in life and if you want to get something you have to work for it...!!

I feel that a whole month can pass when I shut my eyes and open them again. I dont know where it went but I do know I didnt do half the things I wanted to! I've been back to uni for about a week now so the pressure is on... Whether I can cope or not we'll have to wait and see. It is better to try and fail than not to try at all. I have to keep going, there is no way to turn back now - it's not an option!

This week has been quite manic; not only with all the uni deadlines approaching but also with my placement year job that I'm still sorting out - I don't know what will happen yet but I will keep trying and applying till someone say "Here's an offer" and I hope it will come on a day so I can plan “something exciting” with my family! I miss them so's almost two years since I last saw them but it seems like longer than that...

Sometimes it’s really hard to live on the other side of the world to the rest of my family...the only time I get to see them is in pictures on FB updates and email. I chat with my sisters and niece regularly, and phone my mum now and then - I feel so close to them even though it’s only in a virtual way. Well thanks to the technology nowadays, it makes life so much easier ‘in a certain way’, yes.

Well that’s me updating for now – when I get more time I'll drop a line or two for you all. But for now, I must get on with what am I supposed to be doing - by the time I'm finnished it will be summer already. I can't wait for the 'taste of freedom'.... the weather has been lovely for the last few days and I hope it will stay that way until it is summer..!!