Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Hello again....

Time has come and gone...........okay, I know I haven't been on here for ages...and its not like I've stopped blogging or anything, but I've been so busy lately that I've not had time to do anything. Anyway, just to let you all know that I'm still out here and busy as usual. Sometimes, with my part-time job and studies I feel like I want to 'pack it all in' but I have to keep strong and believing in myself that I can do it just like the others. Nothing's easy in life and if you want to get something you have to work for it...!!

I feel that a whole month can pass when I shut my eyes and open them again. I dont know where it went but I do know I didnt do half the things I wanted to! I've been back to uni for about a week now so the pressure is on... Whether I can cope or not we'll have to wait and see. It is better to try and fail than not to try at all. I have to keep going, there is no way to turn back now - it's not an option!

This week has been quite manic; not only with all the uni deadlines approaching but also with my placement year job that I'm still sorting out - I don't know what will happen yet but I will keep trying and applying till someone say "Here's an offer" and I hope it will come on a day so I can plan “something exciting” with my family! I miss them so much...it's almost two years since I last saw them but it seems like longer than that...

Sometimes it’s really hard to live on the other side of the world to the rest of my family...the only time I get to see them is in pictures on FB updates and email. I chat with my sisters and niece regularly, and phone my mum now and then - I feel so close to them even though it’s only in a virtual way. Well thanks to the technology nowadays, it makes life so much easier ‘in a certain way’, yes.

Well that’s me updating for now – when I get more time I'll drop a line or two for you all. But for now, I must get on with what am I supposed to be doing - by the time I'm finnished it will be summer already. I can't wait for the 'taste of freedom'.... the weather has been lovely for the last few days and I hope it will stay that way until it is summer..!!

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