Tuesday, December 15, 2009

A day after my Birthday

Summer is over, Autumn is just about ending and Winter is approaching... The glorious sun of summer and autumn is being replaced by bleak clouds and rain - it's time to start wearing jackets, carry around an umberlla and curl up against the weather. On the plus side, at least it will start getting lighter everyday even if it's cold, as long as the skies are still blue.... (^_^)

As for me, I didn't do much on my birthday - went for dinner and drinks and watched telly. It could have been better but I didn't plan in advance. Although I had a great time so it was alrite. I haven't been doing much but coursework, coursework and more coursework, it has been a stressful time. Nothing much I can do about it but try to enjoy as muhc as I can and just carry on what I am supposed to be doing. I really can't wait for the term break to start..!

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